Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Follow the White Rabbit

Here are my top three pieces of advice this week, my friends (go read the links and I promise you won’t be disappointed):

1. Score Barton Moody as your tax guy. If you can, go in personally to see him because it’s such a treat, but if you don’t live anywhere near Salt Lake City he’ll do long-distance. So that means you.

link to original here

To all of the above I would add – writing is my gig but if something else is yours (art, music, design, dance, math, gaming, etc) these things apply to you as well. 

You may not be able to control other people’s reactions but you can control, to great extent, what you think and do. So create and experience life with that imaginary machete and be your most powerful you.

That, and talk to Moody.
And here's some magic from Daughter:



  1. A machete strapped to my thigh would most definitely result in major surgery, but I can see you doing it! I like the thoughts, especially 'control what you can control'.

    1. I can see you doing it too, Jewels. You are this tough, tight writer that I love to read. And sometimes major surgery is just what we need to make those important life changes.

  2. Reading the blog that #3 is from is a little bit terrifying.

    1. *Whistles low* Don't I know it? But that's why I focused on the last one, because in essence I think he's saying these are all the things we COULD be worried about, but really we have little control over them. So be aware of that stuff, but don't stress it.

      You know, kind of like recognizing an number of really wretched things COULD happen the moment you step out your door, but really we have little control over them. So don't let the fear rule how you live.

  3. Perfect advice and if I ever move to your neck of the woods I will be sure to Moody (just because the name is ace!)

    We control so little in our lives, I figure whilst it would be nice for the world to love my writing and make me a multi-millionaire that is not why I write in the first place. I do it because I enjoy it. I have a rule for this year....enjoy life, as much as humanly possible. So I will write as much as humanly possible too and if someone else likes it my life will be just that little more richer for it, but not dependent on it.

    1. I could not have said it better. Amen, and we can all go home now.

  4. I like the second piece of advice....though I could quite imagine me being the Mad Hatter with regards to my writing (tea drinking, peculiar and totally eccentric)!

    1. I'm pretty sure Mad Hatter is in? *Googles Johnny Depp* So do it, Loki-Lou. I would love to read that.

  5. I LOVE this! You are inspirational girl! Gotta jump in, get dirty, no inhibitions! GIve it your all and your best!


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