Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Pieces of Peace

Alpha and Mutter sat at the kitchen table, necks bent to the task of putting a puzzle together.

"Does this one go there?"


"What about this one? It looks like the Rock Man."


 "Let's try this one."


All too soon it was Alpha's bedtime. They'd made a little progress. Rock Man was looking less and less like a pile of disjointed rocks, more like the superhero he was meant to be. 

More importantly, a woman and her estranged grandson were cuddling and content with each other again, any unease from distance and time away from each other gone.

"Alpha," I interrupted. "It's time to go to bed."

But he learns quickly, especially when it comes to new words. I'm sure you can guess his response.

Here are some of my own puzzle pieces from the last two weeks:

Nothing helps a sick belly like Pellegrino. And then when Hubs found a blood orange variety -- I think maybe I actually died and went to heaven?

link to original here

 Reliving childhood memories. Not mine, but Hubs. He laughed all the way through -- "So that explains why I had to have a Mustang. And a leather jacket. And a..."

A long meandering walk into the other side of town revealed a playground we've never been to (not the one in the pic) that is so, so awesome -- hurray for new-to-us parks!

link to original here

More family sickness. *Sigh*

link to original here

Day away from stress to relax, walk, people-watch. I wish for streams and natural-scapes to run through every city -- this was beautiful. Just what I needed.

link to original here

Moment of Magic today:

It's been a long couple of weeks. I'm reminded of this song we learned in choir many many moons ago..."Dona Nobis Pacem" -- or "Give Us Peace." And now that I'm back to the blog, I'm hoping things have been well with you, and wishing you pieces of peace too.


  1. Hello stranger. I was just thinking about you and wondering if you were ok.

    I am sorry there has been sickness over your way and hope that you are all feeling better now!

    Oh for a day to relax, walk and be with my own thoughts, well done for finding the time, it sure sounds like you needed it!

    Welcome back, I missed your voice to brighten my days!

    1. And your voice was one that brought me happily skipping back. Thank you for the well-wishes. Sounds like it's your turn to take a day to relax and be with your own thoughts too? I dare you to do it :)

    2. This weekend I promise. With the event over I am off to Devon (South Coast) to our 'home away from home' there will be no internet, other than on my phone, so I plan to read and write and have fun by the sea :-)

    3. Gasp and sigh and "Oh," and "I'm jealous."

  2. Like the story!

    Sorry for the sickness and hope you are feeling better! Glad you got some relaxation and found the new-to-you playground!

    1. Thanks! We're mostly feeling better -- nothing like a good bout of sickness to make you grateful for when you're not, eh? And apparently playgrounds greatly improve recovery time. Playgrounds and sun.

  3. love the puzzle exchange. That makes want to get some puzzles to do this summer with the boys.

    1. Yes, puzzles are so fun. Who knew? They frustrate me, for the most part, so it was nice to have Mutter be willing to sit down with him so he could fiiinally work on it :)

  4. Hello Deb! So glad you're back. So sorry that you've had sick ones. And so, so, so jealous of your blood orange San Pellegrino! I must find some.

    1. Hello TangledLou! So glad to have your encouragement in coming back -- it's lovely to hear from blogging friends :) All's well in your world I hope? And definitely be jealous about the blood orange yumminess, though only long enough to find your own. It's worth it.

  5. So very glad you're back. You had me worried. I hope all the sickness is over and done.

    1. Bah. Sickness. Struggles just make you stronger, eh? Nothing to be worried about. We're kicking Sickness to the curb, these days. He's no longer welcome. You're well, I hope? Writing is going swimmingly?

  6. Love the glimpse of the rocks and flowing water in the middle of the city. When we visited my mother-in-law in Greenville, SC, she took us to the park there--a pocket of nature in the middle of downtown. The contrast was striking and, I'm sure, inspirational and soul-soothing to the people who live there.

    1. There's always something about such stark contrasts, huh? I love it.


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